Daily mistakes that destroy7

Daily mistakes that destroy car tires…. Get to know her now

Daily mistakes that destroy car tires... Learn them now


Tires; One of the safety factors in the car, neglecting it may lead to serious consequences, but some may take it wrongly.

There is a belief that increasing the air pressure in the car, especially in the winter, is a good thing for the car, and there are others who believe that the lack of air pressure in the tires, especially in the summer, protects against accidents on the roads.

Experts came to confirm that all of these behaviors are destructive to car tires, and the opposite is true.

Where experts confirmed that the increase in air pressure in the car tire leads to the erosion of the tire or the tire from the middle, the most prominent signs of this feeling of stinging while driving, which may warn of an approaching tire explosion.

As for reducing air pressure, it is another one of the risk factors while driving, as it leads to tire wear from the two letters, which helps to raise the temperature of the car, which increases the possibility of the tire or tire exploding, and it also increases the rate of car fuel consumption.

Finally, experts advise to adhere to the specific instructions for your air pressure in the operating catalog, stressing that the ideal air pressure measurement for cars is 30.

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